Wisher Beware - Chapter 13.2 Work in Progress
Chapter 13.2 Work in Progress
The next order of business was to get the metal components that would move individual threads and compress the weave into a tight cloth. These parts were tiny and wood wasn’t strong enough.
Sulla led me to the smithies out in the lower city, navigating through the Samat labyrinth with practised ease. It took us some time bickering with multiple artisans until we found one that had free time and willingness to craft a bunch of tiny pieces. The name of our manor and promise of a larger order in the future were enough to get us a decent price.
While the artisan didn’t really believe me how many we would actually need later, Sulla didn’t let me argue with him at all. Probably under direct orders from Domina, or maybe under his volition. From what I managed to gather, Sulla’s loyalty to the Manor was unquestionable. In his place, I wouldn’t even think about haggling, yet he did, even though money weren’t his nor would he keep the change.
As we left the workshop behind our backs, the grey muscle-bound elf turned to me and scowled in his usual fashion.
“Kid,” he bit out. “How long are you gonna walk around dressed like this?”
I glanced down at myself. My tunic was in decent shape, I’ve fixed it plenty of times in the last couple of years. The rope holding it was strong and the shirt was hidden anyway. My bare feet were black from the soot of the workshops we’ve just visited, but the weather was warm, it was the beginning of the summer.
He scoffed at my actions. “You aren’t a manual anymore, kid. But a teacher of the manor. You need to dress to represent your position. Or did you think Domina gave you the reward to waste on baubles and snacks?”
I scratched my nose. “I was hoping to do some other projects with it on the side actually.”
“Then a project can wait. Follow me.”
Luckily for my finances, the place Sulla brought me to sold sturdy but not luxurious clothes. With a definite step up from the quality of my current gear. While my fixes held true and weren’t that visible, over the years the fabric got worn out. And some unwashable stains did accumulate. New clothing looked well done and clean, visibly putting me into a new social status.
Sandals were annoying, however. I couldn’t comprehend why someone would wear so many straps around their ankles for the sake of appearing proper.
I did manage to procure a set of glassware: green, cloudy, and expensive. I ordered the ugliest and simplest forms to save on the expenses. I had no plans on drinking or eating out of them, nor present them to my guests. I couldn’t stop and relax right now, expecting my ideas and knowledge to please the Domina enough to simply grant me freedom. There was an uncomfortably unknown chance that all my inventions would only make her keep me forever.
I needed some possible leverage. Machinery was out of the question, I’ve seen the level of technology they have operated by now. Worse, people around me weren’t stupid either. I couldn’t make some mechanical wonder and expect no one to understand the mechanism or at least notice the purpose of my work.
Something was necessary that wasn’t obvious from a glance or even after some scrutiny. Something that needed a completely new way of thought compared to what they currently employed. Like electricity and, especially, electronics with binary logic. That was, frankly, the first major step after the discovery of mechanical tools. Even steam and internal combustion used centuries-proven parts to operate. Levers, wheels, gears and screws.
Something like that would require me years of work and untold amounts of money to make anything even remotely useful. Or a trip to the crash site. The wreck was likely to have some materials or instruments, but I was under more intense scrutiny right now, even if that was to prevent me from spilling secrets not discovering new ones.
That left chemistry and biology. The leading theory in the Emanai was that the matter was made from four elements, bound by the fifth. Magic. Health was likewise attributed to the balance in these five categories.
Suffice to say I was rather confident to remain in obscurity tinkering with chemical reactions or making organic compounds. While poisons and alchemy were known as well, my designs wouldn’t be easily copied nor understood. At the same time, the rudimentary awareness of the potency of these things would grant healthy respect to my tools in the future, in the unlikely chance I would need to employ them.
The glass was a great start, no matter how expensive it currently was. It was inert and easily washable, able to contain chemicals that would gladly eat through the toughest metals. I simply couldn’t wait for Aikerim to set up her own production.
Upon our return, things set off at yet another breakneck pace. Wrena didn’t waste time and managed to make a tiny model to help her plan the build. And I was dragged in as a helping hand immediately.
Domina was strict about the project security, none of Wrena’s helpers were allowed in so the only other set of hands available was mine. While I had a very faint idea of what most of her tools did, and how to use them properly, I was capable of doing basic tasks while also bouncing ideas about the design back and forth.
She managed to convince me to make the widest possible loom too. Apparently, current looms were limited in width by the weaver arm length and wider fabrics required a helper’s hand and a lot more time. Exactly what my design ignored with the flying shuttle. While I was still thinking in terms of time, a bonk to the head and a mention that Domina would be more impressed by visible result rather than promises made me change my mind on the spot.
Fortunately for me, my lessons with Domina’s daughter, Anaise, hasn’t started yet. Obviously, Domina was planning something and also wanted me to concentrate on the loom for now. As such my days went on with me spending most of the mornings with Irje and Yeva, and the rest of the day with Wrena working.
Irje finished much earlier than I did, but since she wasn’t permitted to help us either she ended up spending her time lounging in my bed until I’ve arrived. Clearly, that was ‘all for my sake’ and ‘to make sure my blankets stay warm for me’. I nodded along with her arguments, smiling, and added a few suggestions myself. Now she would try different positions of ‘keeping my bed warm’ when I came in, just so she can figure out which one was the most ‘effective’.
She also turned into a sloth every morning. Trying to pull her out of my bed was a nearly futile effort until she had gotten her morning treat.
I truly had a cat now, and I was spoiling her more and more.
“You know.” I mused as I settled in front of her in the afternoon, pulling my shirt off my tired body. “I’ve been thinking lately.”
“About what?” Irje hummed as she tried to scuttle closer to me. Tonight she went with a spread open invitation that was impossible to resist against even on worst days.
I slid backwards keeping us apart, making her growl. My dick plopped down right on top of her mound. “Soon we will be done with the loom.” I dragged my answer.
“Aaaaand?” She drawled sarcastically, her arms reaching downward.
I shook my head. My, how impatient.
Smacking her hands away I continued, “I was thinking it will be a perfect time to spend more time with you.”
That put a pleased smile on her face, but her attempts to get me in didn’t stop. Instead, she started gyrating her hips in an effort to catch the tip and slid it inside.
“Good,” I murmured, making her understand that is what I wanted for her to do. I pressed it down, increasing pressure on her sensitive spots.
Irje moaned and sped up her pace, only to realize that I wasn’t putting it in either.
I ignored her furious glare and the rapid movements of her body, enjoying the wet sensations of her lips sliding along my shaft. Her core subjecting the entire length of my dick to the waves of heat moving up and down.
“I want to teach you.” I smiled, unperturbed. “Letters, numbers, anything that you still don’t know. And then more.” I frowned for a second. “Maybe teach Yeva some math as well. It would be beneficial for both of you.”
I could feel something in the air. Like a gentle breeze, a tiny shuffle of the sheets pulling closer.
A whine of a sexy but neglected assistant.
“Oh, I shouldn’t neglect such a beauty, right?” I said with fake realization.
My musings brought forth furious nods from Irje.
“Well then. Allow me to correct my mistake.” I pushed it in, slipping into her entrance. “And make up for it,” I murmured leaning closer to her face.
She moaned into my kiss, her folds hugging my shaft just as tight as her arms held my body close.
I woke up to an old and familiar feeling. Lately, I would wake up within Irje’s embrace, as she cuddled into me, seeking warmth. The softness of her breasts surrounding my face and her toned legs wrapped around mine turned it into a blissful experience. Even though it took time and experience to untangle myself and get away from the cuddlecat.
Today my body felt the touch of fresh air. My arms loose. Irje wasn’t in my embrace but the moist feeling of the tongue on my shaft made her location very obvious.
She was surprisingly gentle today too. Very delicate. Usually, by this time, her lips would be around my shaft and balls deep.
I laid still, faking sleep, enjoying her new approach.
Gently, almost as if afraid, her tiny fingers wrapped around my dick, trying to jerk it. Her movements jerky and unsure.
I sat up startled, eyes wide. Making Yeva yelp from surprise.
I sat there in silence, suddenly feeling tired.
Then I closed my eyes and let my head fall down. The pillow silencing my usual thump dedicated for this exact reason.
“Yeeees?” Came an amused response.
“What the fuck are you doing?