Law of Space and Time - Chapter 35: Final Game
Chapter 35: Final Game
After being outsmarted by Christine in the first game, Manjay didn’t dare to look down on her any longer. Never did he think that such a young woman could be so cunning and calculating on the card table.
All of the players at the table were seasoned gamblers, and they were all roughly evenly matched. After several dozen games, there was still no one who had made a significant profit or loss. Up to this point, Prince Yamoyan was the overall winner, making a profit of 5,000 Loonies. Christine had won 4,000 Loonies, while Marlo had lost 1,000, Teeky had lost 6,000, and Manjay had lost 2,000.
It seemed that there was a wide gap in earnings between Prince Yamoyan and Teeky, but in reality, the difference between the five players could be made up in a single game. Even for Teeky, who had made the most significant loss of the five, he could turn it all around in just a single game.
Prince Yamoyan yawned before looking around at the players at the table. “How about we make this the last game? I can barely keep my eyes open anymore.”
“You can’t just run away after making a profit!” Teeky said with a glum expression. “I’m still waiting to turn my loss into a profit!”
Prince Yamoyan burst into amused laughter upon hearing this. “Alright, then we’ll play until you can’t go on any longer.”
Manjay also yawned into his own hand, then said, “Now that you mention it, I’m also struggling to keep my eyes open.”
Even though Manjay was sitting on a loss of 2,000 Loonies, he was too tired to continue much longer, and he no longer really cared whether he could turn his loss into a profit. He had been constantly bouncing back and forth over the line between profit and loss the entire night, and as a result, his mindset had become very placid and tranquil.
The games had also taken their toll on Marlo, who was repeatedly combing his own fingers through his hair, scratching at his own scalp with his nails in order to keep himself awake.
The King’s Game was a very mentally taxing game, so it was no surprise that everyone was feeling so tired after several dozen games in a row.
Even Christine, who was the youngest player at the table by far, was looking a little weary.
For this round, the arrow came to a rest while pointing at Teeky.
Teeky picked up his hand of cards, which consisted of two prime minister cards and a soldier card, and a faint smile appeared on his face. Given how weary all of the other players at the table had become, he knew that this was most likely going to be the last game, and his intention was to completely erase his loss in a single game.
The first target that he chose to attack was Prince Yamoyan, who had won the most out of all of the players thus far.
Prince Yamoyan had a hand of three soldier cards, so there wasn’t anything for him to think about as he tossed out two antes, forcing Teeky to reveal one of his prime minister cards during the challenge segment.
This was quite a standard way of playing, and it applied pressure on the second person who was going to be attacked by the king. As long as they didn’t want to lose money to the king, then they would have to think extensively about how they were going to have to contend with the king.
The second target that Teeky chose to attack was Christine, so the situation was a little similar to the one in the first game.
However, an unexpected scene took place.
The female servant pushed Christine’s card back to her, which meant that Teeky had been defeated in his attack!
The card that he had played for his attack was a prime minister card, and his kingly privilege meant that he couldn’t lose to other prime minister cards, so there was only one possible card that Christine could’ve played to defeat him.
Teeky was rather taken aback by this, and he took a glance at Christine, then cast his gaze toward the other three players. Even though he couldn’t verbally communicate anything, his expression could tip off the other players.
Unfortunately for Manjay, he wasn’t paying much attention due to his exhaustion, so he didn’t understand what Teeky was trying to convey through his expression. Thus, he came under the false impression that Teeky had played a soldier card during his attack to try and sneakily claim an ante from Christine, only to have been defeated by Christine’s prime minister card.
Manjay also had a hand that consisted of two prime minister cards and one soldier card, and in the face of Christine’s attack as the new king, he made the regulation play of putting forward a soldier card, then played a prime minister card during the challenge segment.
In response to Manjay’s challenge segment, Christine played a prime minister card, and the challenge ended in a draw.
At this point, Christine had taken one ante and still had two concealed cards left.
For this round, it was possible for her to eliminate Prince Yamoyan from the game.
Prince Yamoyan only had a single concealed card left, and regardless of what that card was, Christine had a guaranteed win with her king card if she wanted to take it.
If she were to eliminate Prince Yamoyan, then she could win another ante, and Prince Yamoyan wouldn’t have a chance to challenge her and force her to reveal any of her other cards.
However, Christine chose not to do that. Instead, she allowed Prince Yamoyan to retain the chance to make a quadruple wager during the public challenge segment if he wanted to.
Alternatively, she could also choose to attack Teeky, who only had a revealed prime minister card and a concealed soldier card left.
If she were to do that, then Teeky would only dare to respond to her attack with his revealed prime minister card. Not only would he lose an ante to Christine, he wouldn’t dare to challenge even if he chose to place down another ante. After all, he already knew what kind of card Christine had up her sleeve. Furthermore, he also had to pray that Christine’s two remaining concealed cards didn’t consist of a king card and a soldier card. If she had a soldier card in her hand, she could choose the safe route and return the title of king to him. If that were to happen, then his already severe losses would only be compounded even further.
Christine had already taken an ante. If she were to take another ante each from Prince Yamoyan and Teeky, then she would have three antes. If she wanted to guarantee a safe win, then that would be the best way to play.
However, Christine chose to attack Marlo instead, and everyone was quite surprised to see this. Could it be that she was also exhausted from playing too many games and had finally made a mistake?
Marlo’s hand consisted of a prime minister card and two soldier cards, and unlike Manjay, he had immediately caught onto what Teeky had been trying to convey through his expression. However, he also had to consider whether Christine was going to pass the title of king onto him. He had two soldier cards in his hand, so he could ensure that Christine couldn’t forcibly pass the title of king onto him, but if he were to do that, then he would have no soldier cards left during the public challenge segment.
In the end, Marlo chose to play his prime minister card against Christine’s attack. If Christine were to play a soldier card and pass the title of king onto him, then he would be able to use his kingly privilege to eliminate Prince Yamoyan and Manjay, each of whom only had a single card left. In doing so, he would win two antes, and after that, he could choose Teeky as his target, and that would at least ensure that he would end up with three antes. At that point, even if he were to make a loss for the game, it would only be a minor one, and there was a very good chance that he would make a profit.
Unfortunately for him, Christine had no intention of relinquishing her throne and gobbled up another ante from Marlo.
During the subsequent challenge from Marlo, the female servant flipped over both of the cards that they put forward, revealing yet another prime minister card from Christine.
Looking at the two revealed prime minister cards in front of Christine, the other four players on the table immediately became more alert, shaking off their exhaustion to focus more attention on the game. It seemed that Marlo and Teeky’s concerns had been unnecessary. Given Christine’s hand, there was no way that she could relinquish her throne even if she wanted to.
Thus, Marlo lost two antes to Christine, raising her tally to three antes.
All she had to do was claim Prince Yamoyan’s ante, then attack Teeky, and she would be able to win the game with five antes up her sleeve.
However, much to everyone’s surprise, she chose to attack Teeky first.
This was a very perplexing play, and all of the other players at the table were rather befuddled to see this.
Everyone was wondering why Christine had chosen to adopt this course of action. It was clear that she wanted to drag the game into the public challenge segment.
Why is she so confident that she’ll be able to beat us during the public challenge segment? Everyone aside from Manjay was contemplating this question.
Meanwhile, Manjay looked down at the prime minister card in his hand, and he finally understood what Teeky had been trying to communicate with the look that he had given everyone.
As they continued to ponder the situation, all of the players at the table aside from Christine began to look at one another, and seeds of doubt were sown in everyone’s hearts.
Teeky was suspecting that Prince Yamoyan wanted everyone to lose to Christine, which meant that he would screw everyone over during the public challenge segment. Thinking back to the previous games, there had been multiple occasions where Christine could’ve eliminated Prince Yamoyan, but chose to spare him in the end. Thus, there was a possibility that Prince Yamoyan would try to return the favor in this final game.
After all, Prince Yamoyan and Christine were the biggest winners at the table thus far, so it didn’t matter to him if he lost some money during this game.
Meanwhile, Marlo was wondering whether that look that Teeky had given everyone earlier had merely been a bluff, or whether he had simply misinterpreted that look.
As for Manjay, he was thinking that he had to fit into this atmosphere no matter what so that he didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Thus, he also put on a suspicious expression and began to look back and forth between everyone, trying to blend in as much as possible.
Prince Yamoyan was able to quickly get a grasp on the situation. He didn’t know what had happened on Manjay’s side, but looking at all of the suspicious looks on everyone’s faces, he had to admire Christine for her brilliant mind games.
The calmer and more composed Christine appeared now, the more uneasy and jittery everyone else became.
In this situation, even if everyone knew that Christine’s remaining card was the king card, they had to suspect whether four soldier cards would be played during the public challenge segment. The more they thought about it, the more this revolution looked like a trap.
Teeky pushed forward his revealed prime minister card in a hesitant manner, and he was naturally beaten by one of Christine’s revealed prime minister cards, thus losing another ante to her. Teeky took advantage of this opportunity to sneak a few glances at everyone else’s expressions. He was still contemplating whether he should place down another ante and make a final challenge.
In the end, he decided not to do so. During this game, he had won two antes from Prince Yamoyan, then lost two antes to Christine, so he had broken even, and he didn’t want to take any additional risks.
“Hmm? You’re not going to challenge?” Prince Yamoyan asked as he put on a surprised expression. He knew that everyone had fallen into Christine’s trap, but he couldn’t verbally articulate that while the game was still in progress. “You’ve really screwed me over badly.”
A wry smile appeared on Teeky’s face, but internally, he was denouncing Prince Yamoyan for his shamelessness. In reality, Prince Yamoyan really was being falsely accused by Teeky. His hand consisted of three soldier cards, so he couldn’t screw everyone over in the public challenge segment even if he wanted to.
“What a pity…” Manjay also chimed in as he put on a forlorn expression.
Meanwhile, Marlo shook his head to indicate that he was so tired that he couldn’t even understand what everyone was saying anymore.
Looking at the act that Manjay was putting on, Christine couldn’t help but rub her own nose to conceal her amusement, and she was almost unable to prevent herself from laughing out loud.
Prince Yamoyan noticed this subtle gesture from Christine, and he immediately understood that Manjay had screwed up.
During this game, Christine had everyone dancing on the palm of her hand, and she was able to do so with her sharp skills of observation, aided by a healthy dose of luck that granted her a brilliant hand. It was apparent to her from the get-go that Manjay had failed to understand what Teeky had been trying to convey, but she couldn’t guarantee that Manjay didn’t have a soldier card in his final hand.
At this point in the night, everyone had already expended a great deal of brain power during the previous games, so no one was as fresh and alert as they had been in the beginning, and Christine was betting that the other players would make mistakes.
Just as she had predicted, everyone had lost their ability to accurately judge the state of the game, and they were panicking slightly in the face of her aggressive play.
Thankfully for Teeky, he chose not to initiate a public challenge. Manjay had already made up his mind that if a public challenge were to ensue, then he was going to play his prime minister card and make everyone lose money.
In his mind, it didn’t matter if a little girl turned out to be the ultimate winner, but if Prince Yamoyan were to win more money during this final game, then he would be the ultimate winner of the night, and the thought of that was not very appealing to Manjay. He didn’t care about how much he lost, it was only a matter of a few thousand Loonies anyway, but he didn’t want to see Prince Yamoyan win the most out of everyone.
In the end, the game concluded with Christine gobbling up one final ante from Prince Yamoyan.
Even though she had won 5,000 Loonies in the final round, she was still quite disappointed. She was very much looking forward to the final public challenge segment. She had been playing mind games this entire time, waiting for a public challenge to be initiated, and she really wanted to see whether she had made the correct bet. In contrast, winning or losing didn’t matter as much to her.