Journey Towards Dao - Chapter 9: Talent Evaluation
Chapter 9: Talent Evaluation
Auslen failed to see even a single guard during their excursion to the underground space, which he noted as being very abnormal in comparison to the Royal Palace’s normal safety and surveillance procedures.
Auslen looked around the dimly lit chamber curiously.
Taking up half the surface area of the chamber floors was a large, circular platform composed of varying amounts of bronze and silver.
Covering its entire body were an immense number of small glyphs that came together to form a giant Spell Formation.
This entire platform was actually one big Mystic Artifact, known as the Soul Force Measurement Platform.
The only other item of note within the chamber was a giant crystal ball that was located to the right of the platform. It was also a Mystic Artifact and was named the Dao Root Measurement Orb.
Cedrick turned around and extended his hand towards Auslen as he said, “Hand me your ring.”
Auslen glanced down at the green ring on his left hand before taking it off to hand to his father. As soon as he let go of the ring, the invisible pressure surrounding him quickly dispersed, allowing him the ability to breathe several times easier than previously.
Cedrick hid the ring in his black robes and continued, “You’ll first have your Dao roots measured before you begin your Soul Force evaluation. Go ahead and make your way to the Dao Root Measurement Orb and place your hand directly on its surface. Make sure not to release your hand until I tell you to do so.”
“Yes, Father!” Auslen replied in a bright tone. The sound of his small boots rang through the stone chamber as he walked towards the Dao Root Measurement Orb.
Once he arrived in front of the clear sphere that was twice his height, Auslen gently placed his right hand on the side of the crystal in expectation.
Just as he palmed the cool, transparent surface, Auslen faintly felt tendrils of an unknown substance intrude into his body. If he had not been prepared for such an experience, he may have accidently let go of the orb from shock.
The substance continued its intrusion, traveling around his body in an almost curious fashion. As time passed, the volume of the substance within his body gradually increased.
Silence pervaded the entire chamber, Amabella and Cedrick standing still in suspense as they watched Auslen’s evaluation.
Then, the Dao Root Measurement Orb began vibrating intensely, forcing Auslen to nearly drop his hand due to the sudden tremor.
Fortunately, within the next moment, the orb abruptly stilled.
Instantly, the Dao Root Measurement Orb released a blazing white light, spreading an intensely brilliant halo around the underground chamber.
The excessive brightness forced the nearby Auslen to hastily close his golden eyes.
Amabella and Cedrick’s eyes did not close. In fact, they were both staring wide-eyed in surprise at the blinding white orb.
Amabella’s expression was filled with extreme delight as she exclaimed, “The entire orb is lit! That can only mean Grade 1 Dao Roots! Auslen has Grade 1 Dao Roots!”
Cedrick, while somewhat astonished, was not too surprised, considering the unbelievable events of Auslen’s birth.
At the very least, Grade 1 Dao Roots could still be considered within the category of a ‘normal’ genius.
“Auslen, you may let go of the orb now.”
Immediately, the bright orb dimmed back to transparency.
Auslen slowly stepped back with a satisfied smile on his face.
He naturally heard his mother’s joyful screams just then, giving him his long-awaited confirmation that he did indeed have Grade 1 Dao Roots. He could just barely contain his overflowing excitement to the corners of his smiling lips.
But Cedrick didn’t give Auslen time to fully adjust his mindset.
“You may now step onto the Soul Force Measurement Platform. Walk to the center and sit down with your legs crossed in front of you.”
Auslen calmed himself and turned to look at the large platform before him. He then began to walk forward in contemplation as he considered how his parents would react to his incoming Soul Force evaluation.
From his studies, he had learned that Soul Force was the strength of the human soul, and it was measured by increments called ‘points.’
The strength of the soul started out pitifully weak. However, it would naturally increase by, at the very least, an entire point each year.
No Method or Technique had been created that would allow cultivators to artificially elevate the strength of the soul, other than by experiencing more facets of life.
Unfortunately, taking time to experience the various aspects of life was quite difficult for cultivators, because they invested the vast majority of their time and energy into cultivation.
As of now, Auslen was aware that the most ordinary of children were born with just a single Soul Force point.
Talented children born from strong cultivators typically began their lives with anywhere from 20 to 30 Soul Force points.
A child born with over 40 Soul Force points was incredibly rare, and anything over 50 Soul force points was completely unheard of.
However, Auslen knew very clearly that he was not a normal child.
In his previous life, he had lived a stressful and very long life of 87 years. If Auslen was correct in his estimations, his Soul Force should be somewhere above 100 points.
Thinking of the green ring, he figured that his parents should at least have some considerable guesses to the limits of his soul strength.
Even the Demon that he had met for such a short amount of time was alarmingly aware of the peculiarities of his soul.
And both Father and Mother were far stronger than that Demon. They shouldn’t be too surprised by my Soul Force evaluation, right?
Auslen had no more time to think.
Once he sat cross legged on the Soul Force Measurement Platform, the glyphs that covered nearly the entirety of the bronze and silver platform suddenly emitted a soft, multicolored light, painting the dim chamber in a beautiful hue.
After a few moments, the kaleidoscopic Spell Formation trembled before they began to slither across the platform, converging together into an intricate circular formation directly surrounding Auslen.
The light began to transform, colors shifting and distorting until they amalgamated to form a refreshing deep blue.
Then, the blue light that was emitting from the Soul Force Measurement Platform gradually began to dim as a deep, inhuman voice resonated from within.
“193 points of Soul Force. Pure Water Elemental Affinity.”
Auslen’s eyebrows flew up.
He quickly glanced at his parents to see them frowning.
Auslen took their frowns as disbelief, and he could not blame them. Even he, who had been expecting an evaluation above 100 points did not expect for it to almost touch 200!
However, Amabella and Cedrick were not frowning at the Soul Force points, but at Auslen’s Elemental Affinity.
Pure Water Elemental Affinity!
All humans had affinities for specific elements. Most tended to have affinities for multiple elements at the same time, however there were rare cases where a human would have a singular ‘Pure’ Elemental Affinity.
Even then, what shocked Amabella and Cedrick was not his Pure Elemental Affinity, but the element itself!
It was common knowledge amongst cultivators that humans almost always inherit their Elemental Affinities from their parents, and this was even more so a fact when their parents were cultivators.
Cedrick himself had a Pure Wood Elemental Affinity, and Amabella had a Dual Light and Fire Elemental Affinity.
So to see that their son somehow did not possess even a single one of their Elemental Affinities, they could not help but frown at such a revelation.
Amabella looked at Cedrick and silently transmitted, “How exactly did Auslen obtain such an Elemental Affinity?”
Cedrick thought briefly to himself before he transmitted back, “I’m not sure. Considering that the Elemental Affinity originates from the soul, perhaps it has something to do with the reason for his unnatural Soul Force.”
Cedrick sighed to himself and continued, “In any case, this isn’t a good thing. Neither of us have access to Earth Tier Cultivation Methods suitable for cultivators with Water Elemental Affinities. It’s not to say that we cannot obtain one, as long as we pay a sufficient price…”
Amabella interrupted harshly, “Forget Earth Tier Cedrick! With Auslen’s talent, he has a true chance of walking a legendary Path. We would be harming our son by allowing him to cultivate just an Earth Tier Cultivation Method.”
Cedrick stilled in silence.
“You are correct, Amabella. However, if we were to allow him to cultivate a Heaven Tier Method, and he succeeded in forming that Path, Auslen would certainly be placed in extraordinary danger someday. We could also be considered as harming our child if we allow him to cultivate such a Method.”
Amabella frowned, but did not transmit her thoughts again.
Seeing this frown, Cedrick continued, “Additionally, we have absolutely no chance of obtaining a Heaven Tier Cultivation Method. We would have to send Auslen away to a Major Sect in order for him to have the opportunity to cultivate a Heaven Tier Method, and that in itself is exceedingly dangerous, given his monstrous talent. His Grade 1 Dao Roots are one thing, but if the strength of his Soul Force was made public within a sect, we would never see Auslen again.”
At this point, Amabella’s eyes had begun to tear up in sorrow as she looked at Auslen’s cross legged figure that was sitting patiently on the platform.
Auslen could tell that they were communicating to themselves silently. However, once he saw his mother’s tears, he grew confused and somewhat tense.
Is there something wrong with my evaluation?
He opened his small mouth to try and subtly question his parents, but Cedrick spoke first.
“Auslen, come here.”
Auslen internally sighed before getting up from his seated position. He walked at an average pace until he was standing in front of his parents with his head tilted in confusion.
Cedrick crouched before Auslen and rubbed his golden hair, eyes tinted with concern.
“Auslen, seeing as you have come of age as of today, I will ask you a very important question. Think carefully before you answer, as it could have lasting implications on your future.”
Auslen was somewhat exasperated from his father’s unreasonable statement.
After his few short years in this world, he still couldn’t wrap his head around how much weight was placed onto children his age. On Earth, six-year-old’s couldn’t even be reliably trusted to decide what they would eat for dinner!
Despite his thoughts, Auslen nodded to his father to show that he understood.
The chamber was covered by an extended stretch of silence before Cedrick spoke once more.
“If you were given the ability to choose between walking a [short, but safe] path or a [long, but dangerous] path, which of the two would you choose? Once again, consider the question carefully before you answer.”
Auslen wrinkled his brows as he considered the implications of his father’s question.
Thoughts flew rapidly through his brain until he formed his own speculative judgment on the meaning of his words.
From what I can gather, there shouldn’t be anything inherently wrong with my talent…
After thinking through the question, he asked, “Father, does this have anything to do with my cultivation and longevity?”
Cedrick nodded and spoke, “Yes.”
So, he’s really trying to tell me that my talent has given me options? Either I could find satisfaction in being safe at the expense of limited longevity, or I could utilize my talent and cultivate properly, but at the risk of my safety?
If he’s going out of his way to ask this, then that danger is probably not something that could be easily mitigated with a Mystic Artifact, like it is now.
Perhaps, even Father and Mother themselves may not be able to protect me.
Now that Auslen understood this, he smiled brightly at his father. He had no reason to hesitate, as he had made up his mind long ago.
“Father, I would choose the [long, but dangerous] path.”
The light in Cedrick’s eyes dimmed a bit, and he asked, “What brought you to make this choice?”
Auslen tilted his head in mock consideration for a moment before he opened his mouth to answer with his childish voice.
“If I choose the short path, I’ll surely die unhappily one day. But, if I pick the long path, I have the chance of living with more happiness than I could ever get from the other path! Father, I think the hope of endless happiness is worth the risk!”
Such a reply sounded simple but was in fact quite complex, which caused Cedrick to look at Auslen a little differently in comparison to a moment earlier.
Amabella was weeping now. However, a faint smile could be seen playing on her tear-stained lips.
Cedrick sighed for the final time before standing back up. He looked down towards Auslen and spoke, “Ok Auslen. I’ll respect your decision, and I pray that you’ll continue to think the same way as you traverse your chosen path.”
He turned around and walked towards the chamber doors.
“Now follow me. It’s time for you to commence Qi Refinement cultivation.”