Journey Towards Dao - Chapter 16: Discussion
Chapter 16: Discussion
“You can cut the performance now, my dear grandson. Acting your age really isn’t cute.”
Auslen’s bright smile swiftly fell from his face as he rolled his eyes in annoyance at his dishonest grandfather.
Walking towards the large mirror that was leaning against the wall, Auslen raised his hands to his head, untying the black ribbon that was barely holding on to most of his hair. After removing the ribbon, the rest of it spilled around his shoulders and down to his waist in a disheveled mess.
He gazed at himself in the mirror appraisingly while he tried his best to fix his hair, a troublesome task that was almost exclusively left for Vincent to accomplish.
“I think you need your elderly eyes checked, Grandfather.”
Tobias stepped behind Auslen’s short figure playfully, observing his own handsome appearance in the mirror as he stroked his golden beard.
“Watch who you’re calling elderly, brat. I’m still quite young!”
Auslen refused to argue with the decrepit, old man who enjoyed acting as if he really was as young as he outwardly appeared.
According to what Auslen understood from his knowledge of the Rinaldi Family history, the “young” man behind him should be well over the age of 1,000 years-old. He was a walking, talking, ancient relic.
Ignoring his declaration, Auslen gave up on his aggravatingly long hair and lightly jumped into the large leather chair behind his desk.
Glancing at the white-cloaked man who was still staring at himself intensely in the mirror, Auslen spoke up, “I’m assuming you brought me here alone to shamelessly ask something of me?”
Dragging his eyes away from the mirror, Tobias smiled brightly at Auslen, neither confirming nor denying.
Seeing his grandfather playing dumb, Auslen began to grow uneasy.
After remembering who the old man arrived to the Palace with, he jumped back out of the chair briskly, intending to make his way towards the door of the study in attempt to avoid what was surely coming.
But before he could even complete his first step, Tobias had appeared directly in front of him, his smiling expression now carrying hints of apology.
“I need you to help me take care of little Nathan at the Five Profound Elements Sect. You know how he can be, and your aunt and uncle would lose it if anything bad happened to him.”
Auslen’s eyebrows twitched uncontrollably for a brief moment. He breathed deeply to calm himself before slowly raising his head to look at his grandfather.
Auslen was very familiar with the man in front of him. Now that he had spoken his request, Auslen understood he had absolutely no way of safely getting out of it without doing as he asked.
This old man may usually act quite approachable, but Auslen knew from experience that he was a rather violent man who was not to be slighted.
However, Auslen refused to agree to his “request” so easily. He needed to gain at least something of value in return so that he could allow himself to feel internally appeased.
“No. I don’t have the time or energy to take care of that brat, as I already have my hands full taking care of myself. If you’re so worried about your ‘little Nathan’, why are you allowing him to go to the Five Profound Elements Sect in the first place?”
Tobias smiled knowingly before choosing to indulge his grandson.
“I’m letting him go because I know you’ll be there to keep him out of trouble! Although he lacks your exceptional talent and cannot condense a Heavenly Dao Path, it’s still feasible for him to cultivate a Heaven Tier Cultivation Method. He’s just somewhat immature for his age and a bit too willful. That’s why I need you to monitor him.”
Tobias casually leaned against the edge of the desk as he softly chuckled, saying, “I am not asking you to do so for free. I know you best, Auslen. So feel free to tell me; what is it that you would like in return for fulfilling what I ask of you?”
Although Auslen appreciated the man’s quick acquiescence, he grew increasingly attentive to his grandfather’s not-so-sudden request.
It was never so easy to get the man to agree to any sort of equal exchange, which divulged the importance the old man placed on this request of his. He wanted Auslen to take this very seriously.
Auslen lowered his head, thoughts sprinting as he quickly considered the possible dangers he would be facing and what he truly needed at this time. After a few moments, he raised his head to his grandfather once more.
“I want information! Information that you consistently refuse to provide me with every time I ask. Don’t think that I don’t know what you truly want from me, Grandfather. However, I don’t mind playing along, as long as the information that you relay is sufficient.”
Tobias’ smile fell slightly as he stared deeply at Auslen.
Auslen refused to give in as he held his eye contact, enduring his grandfather’s silent, but noticeably heavy oppression.
After a long, voiceless exchange, the corners of Tobias’ lips raised once again.
“Three questions. I’ll honestly answer three of your questions on whatever topic you would prefer. Choose wisely, Auslen.”
What exactly is so significant about the number three to these people? First that Demon, now Grandfather? Can’t I ask a few more?
After some thought, Auslen knew what his first question would be.
Auslen’s childish voice spoke with as much seriousness as it could muster, “Years ago, that Demon informed me that higher realms of cultivation contaminate the soul.
“Normally, I wouldn’t place much stock into the words of a monster that was overtly plotting to consume me. However, during these past five years, I’ve seen far too many examples first-hand that seem to verify exactly what he had described, the foremost being my mother.
“Don’t misunderstand, she’s very loving towards me and the rest of our family, however, her actions can sometimes be… erratically violent towards others.
“That’s not all. Father does that thing with his face where he refuses to show any modicum of emotion.
“And you! You have a voye—”
“Enough! I understand what you wish to ask.”
After hastily interrupting Auslen’s next sentence, Tobias rubbed his forehead in displeasure.
Appearing pleased with himself, Auslen walked back to his seat before plopping onto it once more.
Beside him, Tobias shook his head before saying, “It’s hard to definitively say whether cultivation is dangerous or not. However, cultivation truly does not contaminate the soul.
“Of course, it may seem like contamination to demons, as they cannot consume Dao Souls, unless their goal is to become mentally-ill.”
Tobias lifted himself away from the desk to pace leisurely around the study as he contemplated how to begin.
Eventually, he spoke, “Do you know what the Dao Path and the Dao Soul are?”
Auslen leaned back while softly shaking his head, “Vaguely. Father explained them both somewhat, but not enough to allow me to form a precise definition for either of them.”
Tobias nodded and said, “Alright. Then, I’ll explain them both for you in some detail, even though it’s still quite premature for you to be taught such topics.”
Auslen smiled as he made himself comfortable in his chair, waiting patiently for the information he had been dying to know for years now.
Tobias began, “The Dao Path is an unconditionally personal experience for each cultivator. In fact, it’s the deepest and most important secret a cultivator will carry with them for the rest of their lives. The reason why your father works tirelessly to keep his emotions inscrutable at all times is attributed to this, as his natural expression subconsciously reveals certain aspects of his Dao Path.”
Auslen blinked in shock!
So that strange smile of his is related to his Dao Path?
Tobias continued, “When advancing to the True Core realm and condensing a Dao Path, the cultivator must have a adequate understanding of at least one subject matter, otherwise the advancement will fail. Whether that be a profession, a weapon, a commonplace action, or even a seemingly abstract idea, anything of sufficient substance is suitable for Dao Path condensation.
“The greater the cultivator’s understanding of their chosen Path towards Dao, the further they can cultivate. Although Dao Paths are not created equal, I won’t be explaining the differences between them now, as it doesn’t pertain to your question.”
Auslen visibly rolled his eyes but didn’t interrupt.
“The Dao Soul, however, is the unique, condensed form of the Soul Force, and this form is shaped by the invisible and amorphous Dao Path. Once it has fully formed, it’s hatched from the True Core to encompass everything that makes up the cultivator’s thoughts, desires, and emotions. For now, these two definitions will suffice. Are you understanding everything thus far?”
Auslen quickly nodded, completely engrossed in his lesson.
“Because the Dao Soul is deeply affected by the Dao Path, a cultivator that bears a Dao Soul will act in accordance with that Path, both consciously and subconsciously.”
“Your mother, father, and even I all have Dao Souls, so we each carry our own seemingly strange tendencies.
“You too will have your own actions that may seem like strange quirks to outsiders.
“These actions, while advantageous to the cultivator’s cultivation journey, may not be so beneficial to those around them. Additionally, the way in which a cultivator may treat others greatly depends on the major aspects of their Dao Path.”
Looking at Auslen’s increasingly suspicious expression, Tobias reassured his grandson, “I know what you’re thinking. Neither your mother nor your father have Dao Paths that are inherently dangerous towards outsiders, so you have no need to worry.”
Auslen’s eyebrows shot sky-high in disbelief.
Before Auslen could speak up in question, Tobias quickly interrupted, “However, your mother’s Dao Soul was injured not too long before you and Aiden were born, which causes her to act, well like you said earlier, erratically violent at times.”
After his grandfather’s admission, Auslen felt a mixture of relief, concern, and confusion.
Mother’s Dao Soul was injured? In combat? How could something like an injury to the soul even happen?
Auslen knew far too little about cultivation to come to any sort of conclusion himself.
He gripped his small hands as he asked somewhat worriedly, “Is Mother going to be okay? Can the Dao Soul be healed?”
“Yes, she’ll be just fine. The Dao Soul is indeed capable of self-healing. However, it requires the addition of Anchors to stabilize the Dao Soul before this can take affect.”
What is an Anchor? How did Mother’s Dao Soul become injured in the first place? Why does the Dao Path need to be kept secret from others?
Although Auslen’s question was answered sufficiently, he now had so many more floating through his head. However, he forced himself to move on to more suitable topics.
Auslen placed his left hand on the desk in front of him as he spoke, “Tell me the maximum effectiveness of this ring. If it has certain limitations, I need to know what realm of cultivators I should and should not easily make contact with.”
Tobias took Auslen’s hand and examined it closely.
He shook his head and said, “This Mystic Artifact of yours wasn’t given to you with the intention of hiding your Soul Force from other cultivators, because there’s virtually no cultivator that has the ability to monitor the strength of another cultivator’s Soul Force.”
He placed Auslen’s hand down as he continued, “Your father gave you this ring to specifically prevent Demons from detecting your soul, as they are the only living beings with the innate talent to sense and consume Soul Force.
“Though, to answer your question precisely, your Mystic Artifact is capable of hiding your Soul Force from any Demon under the Dao Integration realm. As that’s the highest realm of cultivation that is allowed to remain on this planet, you don’t have much to worry about in that regard, however, you should still limit the amount of times you leave the Sect in the future, just in case.”
With that said, Auslen suddenly felt far more comfortable with his decision of going to the Five Profound Elements Sect.
But one thing his grandfather said had given Auslen some flutters of hesitation.
“What exactly did you mean when you said ‘virtually’ earlier? Am I completely safe from human cultivators or not?”
Tobias stared at Auslen silently in contemplation.
He smirked slightly before simply stating, “As long as you don’t catch the attention of the Sect Leader of the Five Profound Elements Sect, your Soul Force will remain hidden. That man doesn’t apply, as he can no longer be considered human.
“That’s enough questions. Everything else you need to know about the Sect will be answered by your parents in due time.”
Before Auslen could say anything else, Tobias held up his palm in interruption.
“I have answered your three questions, Auslen. All that’s left is for you to fulfill your end.”
“But I still have one more question left!”
“Actually, you have already asked four questions. And I, your beloved grandfather, graciously allowed you one extra.”
Auslen tilted his head as he thought back to his previous questions. After remembering the sequence of events, he scowled in annoyance.
Those weren’t real questions! I was just seeking clarification for the previous two questions!
He grumbled silently to himself, knowing that there was no point in arguing with the old man.
“Auslen, why have you never considered revealing your true personality to your parents?”
Auslen stilled before looking up at his grandfather with somewhat wary emotions emerging within his heart.
Why would this old man bring this up now? Out of nowhere?
Although he was slightly suspicious of the man’s intentions, he replied, “Because there’s no reason for them to know. My mother used to react quite poorly whenever I occasionally acted out of the normal bounds of a child. At this point, it’s better if I continue adjusting my perceived maturity over time as I age, as I have been.”
Auslen shook his head slightly as he reconsidered his words.
He amended, “Unfortunately, despite my intentions, that doesn’t mean that they don’t already know. Those two are not fools.”
Tobias’ eye flickered imperceptibly as he asked, “Why would you think so?”
He explained, “They may not have suspected anything before, but I’m nearly certain that my father has lately acquired some misgivings as to my displayed maturity, considering that he was the one who uncovered the strength of my Willpower.
“After researching the subject more myself, I now understand that there’s simply no possible way an immature and naïve child can have such a strong Willpower as I have, regardless of the reasons it came about. It’s illogical.
“He must have noticed the inconsistencies with my Willpower and my outwardly childish personality. Additionally, ever since it was revealed a month prior, he’s been behaving somewhat vindictively towards me, in a not so subtle fashion.”
Tobias snorted before bursting out in roaring laughter.
He snickered, “Yeah, that sounds just like my son-in-law!”
Although it took him a moment to contain his hysterics, he eventually managed to calm himself.
“I understand. Alright, we’ve been talking long enough, so I’ll leave you with a bit of advice. Be very wary of cultivators above Foundation Establishment in the Sect, and be skeptical of anyone who makes a conscious effort to get close to you and Nathan. Most of your fellow disciples will be marginally normal, however, others may not behave too dissimilar to that Demon you previously met.”
As Auslen opened his mouth to ask for clarification, the image of the succulent filet he ate earlier flashed through his conscious mind.
After the brief moment silence it took for him to quickly connect the dots, Auslen’s face noticeably paled in disgust as he reached a disturbing conclusion.
Cannibalism?! Is that what he’s getting at?
Seeing Auslen’s expression, Tobias was a good deal surprised at his quick comprehension.
“I see that you’ve already understood my warning. But, how did you grasp it so quickly? Did your parents happen to feed you Demon flesh already?”
At Auslen’s confirming nod, Tobias sighed in vexation at his grandson’s prodigal lifestyle.
Without explaining anymore, he turned and walked towards the stone wall before reaching out to undo the Spell Formation.
“Alright, you can leave now. Go and make friends with your cousin and stop ignoring him all the time. I’ll be leaving him in your care during these next few months!”
What? You want me to begin babysitting duty now?!
But before Auslen could protest, Tobias had kicked him flying through the door that had mysteriously opened by itself.
Observing Auslen’s small figure rapidly shooting down the hallway, Tobias waited several more moments before he shut the door once more. The Spell Formation he had just removed was suddenly back in place.
He turned his head to the opposite corner of the room and casually spoke.
“You both can come out now.”