Disciple of Immortal - Act 2: Chapter 46: Postponement Plan of Immortal Being(Side: Lunaire)-Stalking Diary of A Certain Lich
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- Act 2: Chapter 46: Postponement Plan of Immortal Being(Side: Lunaire)-Stalking Diary of A Certain Lich
Act 2: Chapter 46: Postponement Plan of Immortal Being(Side: Lunaire)-Stalking Diary of A Certain Lich
After entering the abandoned church, Lunaire took off the hood of 《Impurity Sealer’s Robe》, revealing her face.
She heaved a sigh while combing through her silk-like white hair with her hand.
「Let’s go back, Noble.」
Noble Mimic-with a dazzling gem embedded on the top- appeared from within the abandoned church upon hearing his master’s voice.
Noble Mimic was looking at Lunaire with a suspicious look on its face.
Lunaire looked back at Noble Mimic, nodding a little as she slowly closed her eyes.
「Uhm… I really have no other choice this time.」
「YoU’rE Not taLKIng To Him YeT!?」
Noble Mimic’s body was opening and shutting as it expressed its anger toward its master.
「I-I mean, even you are glaring at me and telling me to not follow Kanata… I-I mean, I really intended to speak to Kanata this time around… and I really was so close to him.」
「And HeRe YoU ArE, ShAmeLEssLY HeaVIng A SigH As If YoU ComPLEteD YoUr MissION! OkAY ThEn, ArE YoU ReAlLy HaVe No InteNtion tO mEet HIM tHis TimE!?」
「… Come to think of it, I brought back sweets that are apparently quite the fad now in Manarak. It’s really delicious you know.」
Lunaire went to a nearby desk and placed a small adorable-looking bag on top of the desk.
Written on the bag’s cover was 《Manarak’s Underground Bean Pie》.
It was Manarak’s specialty made from crushed underground beans to extract its oil content and turned into butter, and then stuffed into the dough.
Its selling point was the unique sweetness of the underground bean and the fact that it was easy to eat since it was only as big as a clenched fist.
It quickly gained a loyal following from the young girls in Manarak thanks to its unique sweet taste and adorable appearance.
In addition, since the nutritional value of the underground bean’s butter was really high, it could be served as a simple meal or as medicine to recover from fatigue.
Though many adventurers were quite embarrassed to buy it due to its adorable appearance, many of them were actually secret fans of this pie.
「So Now YoU TrYinG To BriBe Me AfTer REAlIZing YouR FaiLure HUh! MaStEr, CaN YoU gEt Out Of HeRe And MeEt KAnAtA Already so That I Won’T AngrY At YoU anyMorE?」
「Y-You’re mistaken! I really am embarrassed this time!」
「… OkAy, I’M AlL EaRs.」
Noble Mimic heaved a sigh from part of its mouth.
「Yeah, I think Noble will also understand once you hear this.」
「WeLl, I Can’T SaY AnyThing WheN YoU SaY ThAT YOu’re EmbaRrasSed.」
Noble Mimic’s lid opened and shut repeatedly as if nodding to Lunaire.
Though her remarks sounded very much like an excuse, Lunaire wasn’t an idiot.
Her long life as a lich wasn’t for a show after all.
Even if all the books in the world were gathered together, they still weren’t a match for Lunaire who always spent her free time doing research.
Though her brain seems to experience a short circuit due to the feeling of falling in love for the first time in her thousand years of life, she still learnt from her experience after all.
Even Noble Mimic had already run out of sermons for Lunaire.
If this was still not good, then not even the best medicine could be of any use.
「Kanata seems to be extremely busy. That’s why I can’t bring myself to call for him and decided to stop.」
「I SeE, in FaCt, YOu DiDn’T WisH To MeEt HiM AfTeR AlL. WeLl, TimE To Go BaCk To 《Cocytus》.」
「I’m going to be angry if you keep misunderstanding my words, Noble.」
Lunaire glared at Noble Mimic with a sullen look on her face.
「I’M ThE OnE WhO WanTs To bE AngRy ThoUGh… ImaGinE YoU’Re In My PosiTioN, TryIng DespEraTelY to Cheer You Up WhO arE FeElinG DowN UnABle To MaKe YouR oWn DeciSIon, anD Only Too GeT dePResseD AgAin AftEr MaKing A DeciSion on YouR OWn, noT To MenTion ThaT It’S nOt JusT hAppeNing OncE, TwICe, Or THrice…」
「S-Stop saying in a way that makes me look like I’m at fault. I mean, it really can’t be helped.」
「I MeaN, iT’s Not LikE hE DoeSn’T WaNt To SeE YOu EiTheR.」
「Stop making fun of me, I just need a reason to call out to him. And even though it’s already so hard for me to call out to him even in the best situation, the appearance of an obstacle only serves to increase the hurdle. You can only say it so easily since it has nothing to do with you. Stop talking so arrogantly as if you know how I feel.」
「I uNDeRsTanD, TheN How AbOUt LeTTinG me TakE thE BAnnEr And SpeAk To HiM?」
Noble Mimic nodded as it inclined forward.
「.. Eh.」
He then passed by the side of bewildered Lunaire and went towards the entrance of the abandoned church.
「I’m GoNNa TeLL HiM ProPErLY. YoU WeNT As FaR As CoMinG OuT FrOM YoUr HiDinG To ChaSe AfTeR YouR LoVe Yet YoU EnDeD Up WhiNiNg RigHt aT THe LaSt MOmENt. HoW BOTHersomE.」
「《Gravibomb》!」[TL: I’ll use Gravibomb instead of graviburn from this point.]
Lunaire hurriedly pointed her finger toward the entrance.
At that moment, black light spread around the entrance as its center, and then receded into its center along with the entrance.
It was the moment where the space beyond her finger compressed into a single dot, and then imploded along with thunderous noise.
The wall along with the pillar crumbled down.
That wasn’t all, the entire church was also starting to collapse.
The abandoned church couldn’t withstand 《Gravibomb》’s force and quickly collapsed.
Noble Mimic screamed loudly.
「Time-Space Magic, 22nd Rank《Object Memory》」
Blue light enveloped the church and the falling rubble stopped in mid-air.
And just like that, the pieces of debris flew back to their original place, the broken parts of the walls and pillars were also starting to mend itself.
The stains left on the wall which had faded also vanished and the wall itself regained its original color.
The magic used by Lunaire, 《Object Memory》 was a magic that reversed the cause and effect by relying on the memory dwelling in the matter.
The church that was already on the verge of collapse was restored in the blink of an eye and looked like it had just been rebuilt anew.
「… It seems I restored it way too far in the past.」
Lunaire wiped her forehead as she spoke.
「… Can you please stop trying to tell unnecessary things to Kanata? Otherwise, I won’t be able to forgive you forever, Noble.」
「I-I’m JoKing MasTeR, I MEan, YoU kNoW WhAt KinD oF UproAr GoNNa HaPpen If A TreAsuRe Box Is MoVinG on It’s OwN in The MiDdle oF thE CiTy.」
「Please refrain from telling a joke about Kanata in front of me, Noble. And stop making me embarrassed in front of him too. Kanata has always looked up to me as a great mage after all, my image of him will be destroyed by your nonsense… When that happens, I might not be able to show my face in front of him again.」
Lunaire muttered so softly, she was on the verge of crying.
「NaY, I GEt thIs FeeLIng That You’Re GonNA BurY me six Feet UndeR BefoRe I goT thE ChanCe to Do That… ThAt’S It, YoU KeEp FaILinG tO mEet Him SinCe You AlwAys PuTtinG oN Air And WanT To LoOk PerFect In FronT of Him…」
Noble Mimic moved toward the interior of the church as it spoke with a delighted face.
It didn’t dare to tease her anymore since it might get hit by 《Gravibomb》 for real if it tried to tease her again.
Noble Mimic’s level was even higher than the lord of Cocytus, so it would be fine even if it got hit by one of Lunaire’s spells.
If she holds back, that’s it.
「… WelL TheN, TrY To SeE HiM One MorE Time.」
「Eh? B-But…」
「Do YoU ReAllY ThiNk ThaT KaNAta is OccUpiEd 24/7 ?」
「It seems he left the city. I’m going to try to meet him once things calm down but…」
「LoOk, ThaT’S WhAt I MEaN By MAKINg An ExCuse, YoU kEep LoSing The ChanCe to MeeT Him SinCe You AlwayS PostpOning The MAtter Like THIs!」
「I-I know that already! I me— u-uhm.」
Lunaire was clearly trying to make an excuse again.
「Uhm, I think we really have to postpone the plan to meet him until the end of this incident!」
「YoU ThiNK SuCH PerFect OppOrtuNitY WiLL Come THAt eaSILy Next Time?! And What’S YoUr ExcuSe foR thE Next Time, is It WeaTher or YoUr PHYsicaL ConDitION?」
「M-Maybe bu—」
「PomeRa, Is It? Do You KnoW ThaT It’S OnLy MaTter Of tiMe BeFore She SteaLs KaNAta From YoU if YoU kEep DiLLy-DallIng likE THat.」
「A-Aren’t you the one who remind me about that, that’s why I can’t help but overly worried about that girl’s influence on Kanata.」
「AccOrDing To YoU, TheY’Re AlWaYs StiCking TogeTher, riGHt? Do YoU ReAllY ThinK thAt TheY’Re NoT GoiNg To be ConSCIoUS ABoUT EaCh OthErs GenDer? It”s StIll SAfE NoW BuT, thEiR ReLATionSHip mIghT ChAngE While You Do This KinD Of FarCe.」
「WeLl, Now ArE YoU SuRe ThaT YoU Won’T SAy AnyTHing KnoWInG THaT?」
Noble Mimic heaved a sigh after it asked so while looking at Lunaire’s silent back.
It knew that doing this would force Lunaire to make her move.
But then, there was no reply from its master even after he waited for a while.
Noble Mimic turned around, looking back at Lunaire.
「That half-elf… even though I have no one but Kanata, why would she do such a cruel thing to me.」
Lunaire chewed on her fingers, up to the fingers joints.
Her white skin torn up and fresh blood flowing out from the opened wound.
「nO, I doN’T ThiNK YoU’vE To ThiNk ThaT FaR THouGh…」
Lunaire left the church with unsteady gaits.
「I’ll go to see Kanata one last time.」
「AvoId AnY TRouBle, MasTER.」
Lunaire left the church without even replying to Noble Mimic.
「… PleaSe ForGIVe ME, HaLF-ELf.」
Noble Mimic, who was left alone, could only apologize quietly to Pomera.
Though Noble Mimic kept staring at the door where Lunaire left from, it then found a small pouch left on top of the desk.
It stretched its tongue, took the 《Manarak Underground Bean Pie》 and threw it into its mouth.
「DelicioUS. Let’S ASk hER to Buy it AgAIn.」
Noble Mimic muttered to itself.